Our Lector Ministry offers parishioners an opportunity for direct vocal participation in the celebration of mass. In addition to introducing the mass, the lector reads the two scriptural passages that precede the gospel and also offers the petitions during the Prayer of the Faithful.
You do not have to be a skilled orator or a gifted speaker to be a St. Thomas More lector. All that is required are an ability to speak clearly and a willingness to share your voice with the congregation.
Typically, lectors are assigned to read at one weekend mass every 5 or 6 weeks. When scheduling lector assignments, the rectory staff makes every effort to place lectors at whatever weekend mass they regularly attend.
Before their assigned mass, lectors can preview the readings for that day in the sacristy. Also available is a pronunciation guide to help lectors with the many unusual and sometimes difficult-to-pronounce names that populate the scriptures.
Serving as a lector allows you to affirm your faith in a forthright manner, as you proclaim “the Word of the Lord.”
If you are interested in joining the Lector Ministry, please talk with Monsignor Fitzgerald after mass or stop in at the rectory to discuss your interest.
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